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Project Updates


F.A.Q.s about the Pool Project (updated 6.26.2024)

The closure was due to critical piping and infrastructure failures that necessitated immediate evaluation and planning for repairs or redevelopment.

The decision was influenced by the high cost of repairs, significant risks associated with ongoing infrastructure challenges, and community preferences for modernized amenities.

Two main options were evaluated: replacing the existing piping infrastructure or reimagining the facility entirely based on community feedback and preferences.

The concept plan includes separate bodies of water (recreational pool, lap pool, therapy pool, kiddie pool), enhanced seating and shade elements, a reconstructed slide tower, and waterslides to cater to a variety of ages and interests.

Community feedback was gathered through surveys, focus groups, and public input sessions. Preferences for updated amenities and features were integrated into the concept plan to ensure alignment with community desires.

  • The project costs for the reimagined Sycamore Trails Aquatic Center reflect a significant investment in revitalizing and modernizing the facility to meet community expectations and current standards. While the exact financial details are still being finalized as the project progresses through the design and planning phases, the concept plan is estimated to cost between $10-$12m to construct. It’s important to contextualize these costs in comparison to the alternative repair option.
  • The decision to proceed with a reimagined concept plan was influenced by several factors, including the estimated repair costs for the existing infrastructure, which were substantial and presented ongoing risks of failure. The repair option was projected to cost approximately $5 million, with significant challenges and uncertainties regarding long-term reliability and community satisfaction.
  • In contrast, the reimagined concept plan involves a larger upfront investment aimed at delivering a state-of-the-art aquatic center that aligns with community desires for modern amenities and recreational opportunities. While the initial investment may appear substantial, it is viewed as a strategic long-term investment in enhancing community quality of life, promoting recreational activities, and potentially attracting visitors.
  • Moreover, the reimagined concept plan incorporates feedback from community surveys and focus groups, ensuring that the facility meets current and future needs effectively. This approach not only addresses immediate infrastructure challenges but also positions the Aquatic Center as a valuable community asset for years to come.
  • Overall, while acknowledging the significant cost of the project, the decision to pursue the reimagined concept plan underscores a proactive investment in community infrastructure that offers enhanced benefits and sustainability compared to the repair alternative. This approach aims to deliver a facility that not only meets but exceeds community expectations, fostering enjoyment and well-being for residents and visitors alike.
  • The reopening timeline for the Sycamore Trails Aquatic Center is currently being developed as the project progresses through the detailed design and construction phases. Specific dates for reopening cannot be confirmed at this early stage due to the complexities involved in planning, designing, and constructing a reimagined facility.
  • Efforts are underway to expedite the process while ensuring that all aspects of the project meet high standards of construction quality and community expectations. The City and project team are committed to providing regular updates to keep the community informed about progress and anticipated timelines.
  • Community members can expect announcements and communication regarding reopening dates as the project advances. The goal is to reopen the Aquatic Center as soon as feasible, ensuring a safe, enjoyable, and modernized facility for everyone to enjoy.

Specific timelines are not yet finalized as the project moves into the detailed design and construction phase. Efforts are underway to deliver the reimagined Aquatic Center as efficiently as possible while ensuring high-quality construction and community satisfaction.

Yes, not open now because of how its currently configured (connected to leaking pipes). In the future it will be separate.

Regular updates will be provided through city announcements, project websites, and community meetings. Opportunities for feedback and input will continue to be encouraged to ensure transparency and community involvement.

Funding details, including sources and financial arrangements, will be outlined as the project progresses through the design and planning phases. This may involve a combination of public funds, grants, and potentially private and/or non-profit partnerships.

During construction, there may be temporary closures or adjustments to access areas affected by the redevelopment. Efforts will be made to minimize disruptions and provide alternative options where feasible.

City makes difficult decision to close pool for 2024 season, makes plans for future with the release of an RFP for engineering and concept planning

STAC AerialMIAMISBURG, Ohio – The City of Miamisburg has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2024 swimming season at the Sycamore Trails Aquatic Center, Miamisburg’s public pool that has been in operation since 1997. The decision follows months of effort to make critical repairs to piping infrastructure within the facility, which have proven unsuccessful. “This is a difficult decision for the City. We are very proud of our history of public swimming opportunities for the community and recognize the impact the Sycamore Trails Aquatic Center has in making summer in Miamisburg special” said City Manager, Keith Johnson.

In the fall of 2022, after noting an increase water usage for the facility, staff began working with industry experts to video test lines, pressure test lines, replace parts, identify sources of water loss and make repairs. This effort led to the repair of seven areas in the piping system, which was believed to be the source of water loss.  It was not until May, 2023 that it was learned these repairs were unsuccessful. When filling the pool for the 2023 season, staff again noted increased water usage for the facility.  Having already committed to passholders, staff, community swim associations, and residents, the decision was made to continue with the 2023 season, while monitoring water loss for adverse impacts to the water system and to the public. According to Ryan Davis, Parks and Recreation Director, “We were prepared to close the facility at a moment’s notice, if there were conditions that negatively impacted the water system, the public or the facility as a whole. We were constantly monitoring the conditions, but prioritized offering this community amenity to the public, as long as we were able to.” While the 2023 season was underway, the City contracted with American Leak Detectors, based out of Louisville, KY, widely recognized as the industry leader in identifying and correcting water loss in pools.

Staff from American Leak Detectors performed tests throughout the 2023 season to identify potential locations of water loss. Immediately following the 2023 season, work began to excavate and repair leaking pipes. This work identified six additional areas with significant breaks, cracks or joint failure within the piping infrastructure. Upon investigation, multiple joints within the piping systems showed signs of glue failure, where the compounds used to join pipe segments together were failing, throughout the mechanical system. After these significant repairs were made, the decision was made to fill the pool to gauge water loss. From October 28 through November 4, staff operated the pool and monitored water usage. Unfortunately, this test showed that the facility was losing more water than the average loss observed during the 2023 season. This indicated an ongoing, system-wide pipe failure was occurring, and previous repairs only increased pressure within the system, leading to additional breaks and leaks. As a result of the system-wide failure, a significant portion of the pipes will need replaced in order to responsibly operate the facility moving forward.

Michelle Collins, Miamisburg’s Mayor stated “It’s important to note that the water loss experienced at the pool last season did not adversely impact the water system, nor were any costs passed along to residents. Water rates did not increase in 2023. We understand any significant water loss is not sustainable, which is why we have made the decision now, to prioritize the repair and/or redesign of the facility, to ensure we can offer this amenity to the public, while being responsible stewards of taxpayer resources, both funds and water. Miamisburg has had a public pool in this community since 1937. We sustained a few years without a pool during the transition from the “old pool” in Community Park to its current location, and we anticipate a similar transition as we develop the best solution for the future of the community.”

The City has released a Request for Professional Services for Pool Design, Planning, Architecture & Engineering Services. The initial phase of planning will be to work with a professional engineering, planning or design firm to evaluate the costs and feasibility of pipe replacement within the facility, as well as evaluating facility re-design concept plans, costs and timelines.



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